靠谱买球app推荐 will be closed for Winter Break Wednesday, 12月20日, 2023 -星期二, 1月2日, 2024.

延长时间: The following offices will be open until 5:30pm January 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 .靠谱买球app推荐, 建议, 业务办公室, 金融援助, 以及注册办公室. The 靠谱买球app推荐 office will also open early at 7:30am January 3, 4, 8, 9, and 10.

毕业生关注的焦点 - Mondo Stanberry

posted on Thursday, May 4, 2023 in  毕业生档案

One year ago, Dunmondus “Mondo” Stanberry wasn’t sure what he wanted for a career. Recently graduated from 滑铁卢 East, he knew he wanted to go to college, but didn’t want to be confined to a classroom. His affinity for cars drew him to the 汽车碰撞技术 程序. 这是正确的选择. 

现在, he’s ready to graduate with a job secured, and he’s looking to the future not just for himself, 但是他的小妹妹, who is graduating from high school. 事实上, family plays a big role in Mondo’s drive for success, and they’ll no doubt play a big role in celebrating his achievements. 

“There’s more than just me when I come to college,” he said. “I’m doing it more than just for myself, you know? That’s how I look at it sometimes. There’s nothing like making your grandma proud. That’s one of the best feelings.”


  1. 汽车碰撞技术
  2. 毕业生关注的焦点